After checking out a slashdot story I was really startled by what I read in that guys blog: "Crime is absolutely rampant: rapes, murders, rape-murder combinations." The looting was on the news.
The thing is I just don't get it, not at all. Are people really that messed up that a flood is all they need to revert to the lowest possible behaviour? I don't remember things like that when tsunami hit aisa. I don't remember any stories like that when the ice storm hit eastern ontario / western QC...
Is is just the Americans? Are they just freaking crazy? One person being interviewed on the news was saying how he didn't think that him looting was wrong, because if it was wrong the cops would be out shooting people for it. WTF???!!! Someone has to shoot you for you to figure out that something you are doing was wrong? Well, I guess people only make mistakes once then eh?
I am sure that there are "reasons" for how things have played out but it just blows my mind. I really hope that it's a few giving the whole situation a bad rap and there are tons of stories of selfless acts of kindness.
It's just that those don't make the news.
The gang beating, raping, and murdering is unforgivable, but the looting is a little in the grey. I think that a lot of the looting started with people that needed fresh water, food, clothes, and other necessities - remember, some of these people are left with nothing, and are living in the street. I saw a news episode where they were filming people, including cops, looting department and grocery stores. From what i saw, most of what was taken was water, food, clothes, and other necessities, so that's understandable. But, i'm sure that once other people saw these people taking stuff, they all decided just to go on a spree, and thief anything. That's ridiculous. I'm glad that you just stole a sweet TV and stereo. Too bad you don't have a house to put them in.