Monday, 3 October 2005

Biking into work: Day 1

I finally got over my fear of biking in traffic downtown in rush hour. It's not that bad. It's just difficult because my bike is sort of broken right now which means I have 1, maybe 2 gears. That's something that I have to fix fast, perhaps by getting a new bike or getting mine fixed.

I'd love to have 1 bike that's kick-ass awesome and great to go out for a ride, and another that I can take to work all the time and if it gets stolen I won't get too angry. We'll see. At this point I am going to see how long I can bike before I wuss out. :-P


  1. I rode my bike to work a lot this summer. Haven't done that in quite a while. I started getting too tired. Anyway, I had the advantage that I was able to bring my bike right into the office. We have a good amount of empty space. You should check if there's space in your building's parking garage for bikes, or some other more safe place to store it. YOu definitely don't want to store it right on the street. Even if you don't get it stolen, some idiot will come along and snip the break cables, let the air out of the tires, or do something else that's really stupid, and more of an annoyance then you can imagine.

  2. I'd also like to point out the importance of carrying at least 1 extra tube, as well as a good bike pump. This can save you tons of frustration if your tube happens to pop. Which, it eventually will.

  3. Alas, there is no where at work that's inside or "protected" that I can keep my bike. If I had that kind that you can take the front tire off, the guards give you trouble bringing it on the elevator (which is the only way to get to my desk). Something about dirty tires and peoples clothes in the elevator.
    I can look around for somewhere to store my bike, but it's really a crappy bike. I think that if I tried to sell it I'd be really lucky to get 20$ for it.
    If I am going to be riding my bike a lot I would like to get those saddle bags or whatever and carry stuff like a tube and a pump. Right now I think that it's more important to get more than 1 gear working though. ;-)

  4. Yeah, I got some saddle bags for my bike. They aren't too expensive. That make it a lot easier to carry stuff. I used to use a backpack, which worked quite well, but made me too warm in the hot weather.

  5. Haha, that's what Rigby does: He has a $6000 bike that he rides for fun, and a $60 bike that he rides to school in case it gets stolen. I always laugh when i glance from his $6000 bike to his $60. It's quite funny.
