Tuesday, 1 November 2005

Missed it

I tried to buy the new Star Wars today from BestBuy. Got there and they were all sold out. The guy said that they were all gone at 5 pm. Apparently all BestBuy and FutureShop's didn't have any. He said that he heard that Walmart still had some... but I wasn't going that far tonight. Damn. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine...


  1. New Star Wars? Is that Episode III on DVD?

  2. Yeppers. At BestBuy (and I think FutureShop) they had a "first day only" price of 19.99. It'll probably be 25 or 26 $ when I get it. :-(
    Ah well, it wasn't worth taking time off work to save 5 $.

  3. I got it at Futureshop around 2pm. There were still a pile of copies. Oh well.

  4. Apparently Scott has no problem with taking time off of work just to save $5 on a DVD.

  5. It sounds like Kibbee is bitter that he doesn't take time off from work to get cheap DVDs :)
