Sunday, 20 November 2005

Review of the latest products

Some of you know that my favourite business is Tim Hortons (or, affectionately known as TH). A couple of weeks ago I had one of their Hot Smoothees and it was less than stellar to say the least. It tasted like a shot of flavour in hot water. Ewww... I tried Butter Caramel because I heard that Raspberry wasn't very good. I think that I figured out why it's not good: "non-caffeinated". I see that you can add "flavour shots" to your coffee... I have yet to try this but that sounds better than the smoothee.

Today I had Southwest Chicken Sandwich. Very tasty! The girl who made it said that they were addictive and now I believe her. I would get it again in a heartbeat. I hope that they keep it around. On a related note, I think that I am one of the few people that loves the commercial for that sandwich... so funny.


  1. I love TH too (as you already know) and I tried the raspberry smoothie and I think I can still taste it. It's gonna take me a lot of coffee to rinse that flavour, eeew.

  2. I haven't tried the smoothie yet. It looks really bad, an I'm not sure why anyone would want to taste it. Also, does anybody else just hate the SW chicken commercial? It annoys the crap out of me. Maybe because I see it 10 times a day. And I don't even watch that much TV. It just seems to be on every commercial break.

  3. FOE-CAUTCH-YA!!!!
