Tuesday, 10 January 2006

Not a huge fan

One of the things that I'm learning over and over is that I'm not a huge fan of meetings. I'd much rather be coding and "doing". I understand that it's a neccessary evil, it's just that I'd rather not get pulled into meetings. At least at this point I only end up going to meetings that I can contribute a lot to, rather than the ones where you just sit there and wonder why you are there and when will it end.



  1. I like meetings as long as they have direction and people are prepared. Did I mention I also like to hear myself speak?

  2. Nice James, he he.
    Seriously, if I need to be there for any reason: something to say or get a piece of information, count me in. If not, then better leave me out.

  3. Yeah, the problem with meetings is that either they don't have any information that is useful to anyone, or people end up going that don't need to be there. Sometimes, they go just to waste time, or sometimes their boss tells them to go, and they have to sit through it, even though they don't need to. The first kind usually ends up asking a lot of questions because they don't know what's going on, or figure if they're wasting time, they might as well waste everyone elses time. The second kind generally fall asleep or just don't pay attention, and end up taking up space in the meeting room, because they don't feel they need to be there. There's a third kind of person. Those that want to be at the meeting, and are getting something useful out of it. These people are the only ones who should be at the meeting.
