Friday, 17 November 2006

Wii are getting close

I'm actually really looking forward to the Wii coming out. I'm not hard core enough to camp out, but I think that I'm going to set the alarm for early on Sunday to go out and get one. My 2 options are the BestBuy and the hidden Walmart. Laura called for me (what a sweetheart!) and asked and both stores said they will have "about 50". I'm still not sure how fast those are going to fly off the shelves, but here's hoping that I'll be able to pick one up.

At this point I think that I'll just pick up Rayman and an extra controller. At some other point I might pick up a classic controller and a star wars game. I'm a sucker for the star wars games... and when they come out with one for the Wii (I'm sure that they will), that will be added to my collection if it's up to the usual quality of LucasArts.


  1. If the commercials are any indication, this thing is gonna be flying off shelves -- it looks cool!

  2. I've got 2 hopes:
    1) That the hardcore games are only going to buy a PS3 this weekend and won't have any money left over for a Wii.
    2) The non-hardcore gamers aren't going to get out early on Sunday to buy it.
    3) I'm not going to drink too much or stay up too late tonight to make it too hard to get out first thing tomorrow
    *fingers crossed*

  3. I may see you tomorrow morning. I'm up at 6 AM anyway with Charlotte, so I figure I'll just head over to the hidden walmart. If they have one, I may buy it. If they don't have any, I won't be too depressed. I'll just wait for the price drop, or whatever, and buy one then. I already have a GameCube, so all those games will still be playable on the Wii, plus it comes with the sports pack, which looks like fun enough on its own. I may have to pick up the new Zelda game too if I get the Wii. Although I don't know when i'm going to have time to play this thing with Charlotte taking up all my time.

  4. That's why I gotta get all my playing in while I still have time. ;-)

  5. Lego star wars 2 is great. The story mode is quite short, finished it in half a day but the freemode or "puzzle" mode is fun. Especially playing co-op.
