Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Hibernate 3.2.2 GA

I tried to upgrade an app I am working on from using Hibernate 3.1.3 to 3.2.2. It didn't go nearly as smoothly as I thought that it would. First thing is that they no longer default a cache impl. If you had not specified a hibernate.cache.provider_class property before, it will just die. Shocking, but not difficult to get around when I found the problem. Cool. So I changed that and ran my tests to see all these NPE's. *sigh* Apparently I found another unfixed bug.

Short story: I reverted back. I'll figure out another way to get the feature that I was looking for when I upgraded. :-(


  1. Couldn't leave this on your Running VS Jogging Post so here it is:
    I wanted to share this funny jogging video on youtube.
    -Joe the Jogger

  2. Joe: I copied your comment to that post. ;-)
