One of the things that has been on my TODO list for a long time (3 years?) is to get rid of all the old clothes that I don't wear anymore. Get rid of all of the things that I have been keeping as "I'll use this some day..." things.
Now, for most people I think that this is a lot easier than for me. It just feels wrong to throw things out if they can be used some time later. Wrong if someone else could use them soon. However, I think that I have stepped over the line of ridiculous for the size of our small apartment. :-/
So, today I'll be working on making a bag for good-will and a rag bag. I'm not allowed to ask anyone if they need a bag (or 2) or rags and it's killing me. So I'm not asking. I'm just blogging about it. *cough*
I'm also extending this purge to my computer. While I bide my time until I get a new one, and before I wipe the whole computer, I'm trying it out with uninstalling everything that I can. No development tools, no databases, no Norton (the worse offender for memory!)...
Let it begin.
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