Saturday, 15 December 2007

MT is open source now... to late?

A few years ago when Ryan was installing MoveableType (which this blog runs on), it was one of the leading pieces of blog software. Then they came out with version 3 that wasn't as free. There were restrictions on the number of blogs you could install among others.

That pretty much guaranteed that another piece of software would become the "leader". Now they've moved to totally free again and are trying the only open source business model that I've seen work: paid support. Will they become the leader again? Who knows, but now they have an uphill battle.

Competition is good though. Time will show how this works out for them.


  1. *yawn*
    The early MT versions before 3 weren't completely free. The code was Perl and completely readable because Perl is interpreted but the license wasn't open source.
    I'll be moving away from MT soon, I just haven't had the motivation. For now it "just works". :)

  2. Agreed.
    I can type content, the content shows up. It has a search.
    That's pretty much what I use this blog for.
    btw, thanks for hosting for so long!
