Sunday, 30 December 2007

Planning ahead

Yesterday we got an unexpected call. Laura's 3rd grade teacher called us up and wanted to talk to Laura. Someone that she had not spoken to in ~ 20 years. The teacher had seen our wedding announcement that Laura's folks had put into the paper in June. The lady looked up in the phone book Laura's last name and ended up calling Laura's grandmother who told the lady all about what Laura's been doing lately. Including our home phone number. Which the lady called when we were napping (Laura worked over night and I'm training for the Nappy Olympics).

Why did this all happen? The lady's doc is retiring in 5 years and she's looking for a replacement. Wow. What other profession are people looking 5 years ahead?

This brings up a different issue, a social engineering issue and something that most of us (including myself) are guilty of: giving out someone else's phone number. If unknown Person A (PA) calls looking for your Buddy (B), it's much better to take down PA's contact info and pass that along to B rather than just giving PA the contact info for B. Being a middle man in this case is a good thing.

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