Saturday, 17 May 2008

I'm such a noob...

Sometimes when you're using a tool you figure out how to do something but it's not the proper way but it works well enough. I've been doing this for a long, long time while using *nix tools. Like when using man I'd "exit" it by ctrl-z. I know that this just stops the process and when I exit the shell it warns me that there are stopped jobs in the background. I just didn't know how to exit it properly. Maybe I just remember using csh and it was different or maybe I just forgot.

The most annoying thing: I found the answer really hard to find because it's so, so simple. Just press "q" and it'll quit. Damn command line and their cryptic commands... q for quit... what kind of a genius thought of that one? I'd have thought that it would be something like shift-h-1-t. You know, so everyone could figure it out.

Now all the geeks can read this and think less of me. I just have to say "we all have gaps". :-P


  1. Well, I would be likely to say RTFM NOOB!, but in this case it doesn't seem to be the best suggestion. I tried typing "man man" and while it did bring up a lengthy man entry, it said nothing about how to actually leave man, and didn't give much info on navigating around in general.

  2. Ah yes. It's like how there's no instruction set with door knobs. *Everyone* knows how they work right? And the rest are just too ashamed to admit that they don't.
    No shame here. ;-)
