Friday, 2 January 2009

I must be adopted...

I come from a family of car guys. The type of guys who can identify make / model / year from something like a headlight. Guys who buy auto trader for casual reading. Guys who spend most of their day wondering how to put a bigger engine on something. I'm not one of those guys.

Recently I went with my brother to princess auto. He was buying a sockets that were the size of my fist. I bought a blow torch and was quite excited about it. When I told my brother in the store that I plan to use it for crËme br˚lÈe he told me to shush because he didn't want anyone else to hear. For Christmas my dad and brothers got things like torque and adjustable wrenches while I got really nice cutting boards from 3 different people.

Some times I wonder why I'm so different then the rest of my family. It's nothing that I'm concerned about, but it's funny how people raised in the same house can have interests that are so vastly different.

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