Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Million dollar idea

I have an idea for a product that could make someone millions of dollars. The potential market is billions of people. And you know what, I'll give away the idea here. All I ask is when you own your own small island, you remember that you read about the idea here and you pass me some products that you create. That's all I want really, not to be the baron of a multi-national company, but to enjoy the product that I'm thinking of. Ready? Here's the idea:

Comfortable dress shoes.

Brilliant, right? I can't believe that no one has thought of this before now. I'll be expecting my comfy shoes soon. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean.
    The only half-way decent solution that I've found is to just wear multiple pairs of socks. (Insoles are just a pain...)
