Sometimes things are not all happy happy joy joy biking to work. Sometimes the drivers do things that seem to have the sole purpose of just trying to piss me off. I don't swear at them, I don't bang on their cars.
I thank them and give a thumbs up. They just don't realize that it's because I think that they are douchebags.
Today a pickup was stopped beside a parked box truck. Traffic wasn't moving, but what I consider to be a biking lane beside the parked vehicles and the left lane was free and clear. As I was approaching this stopped truck in the left lane, the guy cranks the wheel and moves to the right. Not forward, just more to the right. So much so that I couldn't actually get by while riding, I had to stop and maneuver around his side mirror. I don't take up much room, so this was really close to the box truck. So I thanked the guy loudly, moved around his truck and turned back and made sure that I gave him a big thumbs up with an added "good job!" for good measure.
He won the Douchebag of the Day award, but I'm just not sure he knew it. He seems to be pretty dumb, so I'm not going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he would understand. Maybe I need stickers that I can slap onto the vehicle as I go by...
Stickers are a brilliant idea!