Wednesday, 15 August 2012

All Good Things...

This is my last week off before going back to work. Alice is crawling around, pulling herself up on things and doing some minor "cruising" of the furniture. I am going to miss being at home to witness all the developments. I'm honestly a bit sad, but the time off is still far more than I ever expected or hoped for. It's okay to be sad when something great ends, even if you didn't expect it in the first place.

I'm not sure how this whole "working" thing is going to go schedule wise. Everyone else figures it out, so I don't think that it will be too difficult to figure out. If I can handle it without requiring copious amounts of coffee, I think that I'll try to shift my working times earlier in the day so that I have a hope of getting home early enough to play with her before going to bed.

In the last couple of weeks I've been trying to totally repaint (ceiling, walls, trim) 2 bedrooms and rip up the carpet. It's funny when you have nine months to do something and then it comes down to the "deadline" and I still don't think that I'll get it done before going back to work. What would I rather do: paint a room or play with my daughter on the floor?

Good Great times.

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