Sunday, 26 August 2012

First week back at work

This was my first week back at work since Alice was born. It was the longest time I've had off from school or work since I started kindergarten oh so long ago. Work funnily enough is pretty close to the way that it was before I left. Some things changed, most didn't. New people are there, so old ones have returned. I've actually found it easier to get back into it compared to being off for a couple of weeks. There's been no "catch up", everything is pretty much fresh. That part has been good.

It's hard every day to say "bye bye" to my girls. I usually start to get bummed out in the early afternoon. The Monday was the longest that I had spent away from them since Alice was born. It's strange, but it's a new reality. Would I rather figure out a way to be paid to be full time at home with everyone? Yes. In a heartbeat I'd take that choice, at least when there are young ones at home. I've now answered a question pretty definitely for myself - I will be okay with retirement... anytime now. *cough* freedom thirty *cough*

This is the start of things becoming more difficult - as Laura goes back to work, as Alice starts daycare, etc. I think that we'll do okay and be able to deal with issues as they come up.

It was nine months more than I had ever hoped to be off and it was great.

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