I keep on thinking how awesome things are right now. Alice engages us all the time. Sometimes she's sneaky, but most of the time she's just having fun with us. She's constantly parroting new words which means that we really have to watch out what we say around her. But what gets me the most is that she seems to understand a lot of what's going on. She looks were sounds come from. When you say words of things she looks for the object. And the other day she started to use the word "more" (sounds like Mmmmm-or) in a non-food context. She wanted us to keep singing. Which sadly means she's tone deaf like the rest of us.
I no longer need to make elaborate scenarios of what's she's thinking because she's actually communicating it. Not super well of course, but it's a lot better than before. She's started on her most important developmental stage: playing with lego. Maybe "playing" is a bit of a generous description here. She's quite adapt at taking the duplo towers we build for her apart or knocking them over.
Physically she's standing and she keeps on teasing us that she'll walk. Then she changes her mind and crawls, but I'm not encouraging walking. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up as it is. Other than that the biggie is that she's actually got hair. Not blond fuzz like before, but something we can put into shapes to amuse ourselves, because that's really the important part. Fun fun.
Hahaha! What a cutey!