Saturday, 26 January 2013

Emergency Codes

When working with "situations" with babies it's good to standardize on codes so you can quickly and efficiently explain the situation. These are the ones that we use:

Code Red: The colour the child turned while pooping.

Code Blue: Poop "blew" out both leg holes and the waste band. There is poop from the armpits down. It's bath time.

Code Pink: The colour of the baby's bum because they've been pooping every 8 to 14 minutes. Causes baby rage which means flailing limbs and projectile poop during changing. Time to wash the walls.

Code White: The child is in a white hot rage because of a diaper issue and you're stuck in stop and go traffic and there's no where to pull off.

Code Yellow: The baby soaked your pants as well as their own.

Code Brown: Self explanatory. It's brown. And everywhere. Hazardous Spill - same as at the hospital.

Code Green: Due to the smell, the colour you turn while you try to change the diaper.

Code Orange: Orange you glad you didn't have triplets? (you might have to read this one aloud)

Code Black: Your mood when dealing with a Code Brown while on a trip in the middle of nowhere and you discover you only have 1 wipe left. It was your responsibility to refill the travel wipes. You start to contemplate cleaning up by using your favourite shirt, which you're wearing.

Code Purple: The colour the baby turns right before a Code Blue.

1 comment:

  1. Carmina Burana ~ O Fortuna by Carl Orff is usually the sound track that goes well with a "situation".
