Sunday, 20 January 2013

One small step...

It didn't take much. On the 5th Alice took her first unassisted steps. I think that it was 3 steps. On the 14th she was up to 5 steps. Days after that I stopped counting because she was crossing the room without trouble. She still looks a bit like Frankenbaby with how stiff her legs are, but I think that's more of a confidence thing than anything else. She's fast, especially when she reverts to crawling or cruising - like almost at a baby run. The "new normal" keeps on changing. I'm enjoying this time right now. How she grabs me and holds on, how she can ask for what she wants in her baby voice. How we can play and be silly. It's quite excellent.

I have to admit that a couple of years ago I didn't think that it would be like this. I thought that I'd be exhausted more than I am. I thought that I'd be struggling and being more of a screwup than I feel that I am right now. It's going much better than I had hoped. But that's all on Alice. I feel that she's been super easy on us. She (mostly) sleeps through the night. She mostly eats most of the food we serve her. She mostly does what we ask (within reason for a 14 month old). It's been good.

Now don't get me wrong - I can't wait till I'm not changing diapers, but that's a long ways off now. Feels like 500 km walk to get to that point. But that journey starts with a single step. Perhaps 3.

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