Saturday, 9 March 2013

Earning your spots

We've been pretty lucky so far with Alice. No super gross sicknesses, no huge messes to scrub off the walls. I'm sure that those are coming, but not so far. This last week has been a bit rougher than normal. She's had a bit of a cold for a while, and then it seems like she got roseola which caused a very unhappy child. I wasn't making party cakes either if you know what I mean. Irritability, anything would set her off screaming for 5 minutes. Then she'd be good for 2 minutes and then something else would set her off. Repeat. *sigh*

In a way it takes me back to when she was just a baby-baby: she'd be crying and I had tried everything that I could think of to fix it, be I couldn't. So I'd just hold her and walk back and forth in the room saying "sshhh" or singing. You know, something comforting like ol' man river. I wouldn't have thought that at 15 months I'd be nostalgic about something that was like a year ago, but it seems like so much has changed. Maybe mostly her, but me as well.

I've gotten grayer.

I can fathom the despair and helplessness that people can feel when their kids are seriously sick. I hope that I never have to experience that.

Ah well. She seems that she's getting better and the cold's that she gave to Laura and me seem to be fading. It's a nice change as the weather warms up that the colds seem to be melting away with the ice and snow.

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