Sunday, 31 March 2013

Steps in the right direction

We live in a challenging house for someone learning to go up and down stairs: a bungalow. With the winter up to now, it was spent outside in snow pants which aren't the easiest to walk in, and surely no stairs. Now it's warmer we are going up and down and up steps all the time. It's the newest game - almost as fun as a game of "sit". She's getting better at stairs and I'm slowly starting to learn that she's probably not going to run off the end.

It's tiring though trying to be "right there, just in case". It's also wonderful when she gets to the edge, pauses, looks back and lifts her hand for assistance. I admit my heart melts a bit each time her hand clasps my finger. I'm not sure if that will ever stop being a thrill. I'm sure that she will be less than thrilled when she discovers what happens when she pulls my finger...

TL;DR Things are good. She's becoming more of a little girl each day. I am happy. That is enough.

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