Sunday, 27 October 2013

Car, drive thyself

Self driving cars can't come fast enough. I read somewhere that people were saying that it would have as big a societal change as the internet has. I totally believe that, as a lower bound of change.

This weekend we drove to Pickering and back in about 22 hours, with little to no sleep. I blame the child that decided to prevent us from sleeping starting at 12:30 am and us finally giving up at 4 am and just deciding to come home. Even with a nap today after we got home, I'm so tired. We tried to be as safe as possible driving home, but really it's not a good idea to drive at any time when tired.

How would we have traveled if no one had to be awake and alert? We might only travel at night. You climb into your car bed and fall asleep. In the morning you're somewhere else and you can get refreshed. We would no longer waste a day for "travel".

We've been on night trains and we've taken a sleeper bus before. It's never good sleep, but it's something. Maybe it's just bad sleep with a human driver and it would be smoother with an automated. I don't know. I'm going to be surprised later if any of this makes sense. As I said, I'm tired.

TL;DR: self drive cars, good. No sleep, bad.


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