Friday, 16 May 2014

Engineered entertainment

I think that the first time that I realized that movies etc aren't just created for the joy of the story was watching an interview with George Lucas saying that he wanted the design of a Star Destroyer to be so simple (just a triangle) that it would be easy for kids to draw it. I think that he had the idea of merchandising everything from Star Wars in his head the whole time. It's probably what made him billions, but it still made me sad to hear it.

Fast forward to present day. Now popular (Disney) movies get made into live musicals as well. Some of the adaptions may be a bit awkward. Not Frozen though. Watching it, I found the opening number strange and how it didn't seem to fit into the rest of the movie. Strange for an animated movie, but it all made sense when I figured out that it was designed to be made into a live action musical from the start.

Is this good or bad? I don't know. Maybe it just is. Like any mass produced "fast food", any big entertainment company seem to be trying to maximize revenue streams by engineering the entertainment. Yet another kind of processed input.

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