Sunday, 4 May 2014


We finally got our shit together and started the process of creating a will. I feel bad that it took so long, but it feels good to have gotten it underway. It sucks to think about being dead, about someone else taking care of your kids. But, it happens. Hopefully not to us - at least the "someone else looking after the kids" part. Better to have a plan in place, or at least have talked about it with the respective parties than them trying to guess their way through it.

One of the things to talk about is what you want to happen with your stuff. Not the big stuff like the house or car, but the little stuff. Which lead to us thinking, room by room, what we'd want to pass along to our kids. Assuming that it's like 15 years before it's useful, not too much.

Clothes? They are probably 10 years out of fashion to start with. Previous (at least) generation electronics and cameras? Not all electronics fair well when being pass along, but some do. Furniture? Other than the fact that most of it is at least second hand or base level ikea, I can't see a lot of value saving it. Yes, there are some nice dishes that we got for wedding presents, but I think that those would fit into a box or two. Lego? Oh, yes. That's something to be passed on with the proviso that they play with it making spaceship sounds. Even if it's a pirate boat. Always spaceship sounds.

What do I want to pass on to my kids? A record of our good times. Pictures. Videos. Our blogs. Our voice. Really it's the only thing that can give them an idea of who we were and how much we loved them. The rest, while it might be an physical anchor to who we were, in the end is just stuff.

So, close or distance relative of mine reading this from the future, know that we were awesome and had fun. Please do the same.

Us being Awesome

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