Friday, 25 July 2014

Out of the mouth's of babes

As Alice gets older, her communication skills get better and better. Tonight at dinner she turned to me and said something along the lines of "Thank you daddy for a delicious dinner. It was lovely." I laughed - how often will you hear something like that out of the mouth of a 2.5 year old? It makes the moments of screeching earlier in the day a bit easier to deal with.

She's lots of fun and takes good care of us, including her little brother. It helps that she can express herself so... eloquently. She has always worked at communication from when she started to use sign language (she stopped later and we've all forgotten it all). Today she insisted that the toy tractor at the farm's playground is a train because of it's "puffer" in front. Well, it kinda looks like the trains that we see at the science and tech museum, so I'm not going to argue with her too much.

Most days we ask each other if we had a good day. The answer is almost always yes, yes we had a good day. I feel so lucky right now. I'm just trying to document the good moments (and selectively leave out the bad - who needs that?).

Life is good.

We're on a train!!!

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