Saturday, 7 February 2015

Messy house, well adjusted kids?

It doesn't feel like we can get the house clean, or at least tidy for any length of time. It just feels like an impossible task with small kids. If they are sleeping we try not to make too loud a noise and wake them up. If they are awake, then we try to ensure that we are 1) playing with them and 2) the older one isn't trying to kill the younger one. Some days it gets very Lord of the Flies here so we have to be extra watchful.

To top it off, we're tired all the time. Short term memory is crap. Logic is bad. When trying to think of things... difficult... words. Uhhggg. The more tired we are, the harder it is to deal with things, which seems to take longer and means we are more tired.

Now, don't get me wrong, but I know that we are extremely lucky and have a lot more "free" time than most. I don't know how anyone else does it.

Now to try and get a nap. I hope I get a solid 10 minutes.
[heard in the background: "Is it mornin' time?"]

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