Thursday, 9 April 2015

A new normal

Well, we finished (almost) the first week of our new normal routine. Daycare seemed to go smoothly for the kids. Alice didn't want to leave, but Isaac seemed quite happy to see me. Which is nice. I can deal with my son's face lighting up when he sees me. The applause doesn't hurt either.

The part that will be more challenging is getting home and making dinner. It wasn't too bad with her because I could leave her playing or plop her down in her chair with some peas. Now they are two, I don't fully trust Alice in case Malice shows up and Isaac isn't a fan of peas. I keep on asking, "won't you give peas a chance?!?". Maybe in 16 years he'll get the joke. Won't stop me from telling it everyday until then.

So, new normal. So far so good.

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