Monday, 20 April 2015


Yesterday we went out and got Alice a Big Kid Bike. Some assembly was required, so I did that last night and finished after she was in bed. The first thing that she did this morning was run to see me and ask to see the bike. She actually cackled when she saw it. She was pretty happy.

It's a Disney bike. A Malificent bike. Now, she's not even seen sleeping beauty, but she knows a bunch of the stories. Why was this chosen over any other princess bike? Simple. We were tired. The store was closing and it was the second store we had been to that afternoon. We had even been shopping at crappy tire twice before as well. And most importantly - she said she liked it. She liked it for more than 10 seconds. So we bought it.

Why did we get a non-gender neutral bike? This one has actually been bothering me for a couple of weeks. I wanted to get a gender neutral - or "boy" - bike so that when Isaac is bigger he's not riding a "girl" bike. Wait, isn't that pretty sexist? How do I know that Isaac won't be all over Disney "girl" stuff? Why am I trying to force my little girl who loves clothes, shoes, jewelry, fancy party dresses and taking care of babies to have a Spider-man or trucks bike? Screw it. We'll put Isaac on this bike too unless he cares so much we cave and buy a different bike. Will he be upset to use this bike? Who knows but I doubt it. He loves his sister very much and I suspect that he'll want to do everything that she does or has done.

More importantly, I want her to love biking. It's a cheap and easy way to be independent and healthy and I want her to learn that life lesson young. If she is excited to even see her bike, she'll be excited to ride it. She will be excited to go on adventures with it. She'll be excited to have some fun with it.

Now I just have to figure out how to attach it to the chariot for our long distance adventures. I'm thinking that bungee cords will be the answer. ;-)

Soon to be used to terrorize the neighbourhood

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