The knight approached the castle through the underbrush warily. It had taken him weeks to find the location. The locals weren't any help. Some quietly discouraged him from going, others seemed far too excited that he was going to rescue the beautiful princess that was said to be there guarded by a dragon.
There's always a dragon, isn't there.
He continued his approach through the remains of forests and horses bones burnt long ago. A sure sign that there actually is a dragon. Darting to walls, building, he stole his way into the castle grounds as quietly as he could imagine in his shiny armour. He began to climb the tallest tower to where the beautiful princess would surely be. In the room at the very top he heard quiet singing coming from inside. Cautiously he poked his head into the room and saw a woman knitting a sweater. He quickly walked in and addressed her.
"Hello princess. I'm here to rescue you."
She looked up happily relieved. "Oh, it's been so long since anyone has tried! I was beginning to get worried. Come with me, I know a route but I can't do it alone."
The knight grasped the princesses hand and led her out of the room and to safety. It was a bit difficult to lead someone when that person was the only one that knows which way to go. However appearances of knightyness had to be maintained.
As they passed by a door, the princess stopped and opened it to the darkness beyond.
"Quickly inside!" the princess urged.
The knight stepped in and as he was about to turn around and tell the princess that it was safe, the door slammed and bolted shut.
"Wait, why did you close the door? I'm here to rescue you!"
"Why do you think that I need to be rescued?"
"The dragon! It's been keeping you prisoner."
"Ah, you have that backwards. I've been keeping the dragon as my pet."
"But why all the stories about princess needing to be rescued?"
"It's very easy to believe, isn't it? I've not corrected it for a simple reason. A pet's got to eat and there aren't many horses around here anymore."
The knight slowly backed away from the door. He felt cold as a warm breath that smelled of brimstone blew on him.
He drew his sword and faced the darkness.
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