Saturday, 2 October 2021

Finding What was Lost

Many years ago on my old computer I had all our pictures on had the hard drive crash. I didn't have timemachine backups running (stupidly) and lost everything on that drive.

Many of the photos I had backed up to an external drive, but not all. Thankfully they were on flickr though.

For more than 10 years I've been meaning to figure out what pictures were lost and download them and... I've not yet done it. Maybe in the short term I'll just look for photos from the old camera as a starting point. I'm not sure if that's enough but it will probably be better than nothing.


Update 1: It looks like pictures that were taken between May 20th 2006 to July 16th 2006 were the ones that were lost. I also discovered that my uncle took pictures of our wedding and had the wrong date set on his camera - by a whole year. Somewhere less than 250 pictures were lost, but some of those were wedding shots from my buddies wedding.

Update 2: And after like 15 years of meaning to do something, but in a nice generic way, I threw in the towel and looked on either side of the picture above until I found the images that I was missing. Turns out it was like 73mb of 203 images. I tossed them in a set in flickr and downloaded it. Broke it up into the proper albums and tossed it onto the network drive. Yet another example of perfect being the enemy of good.

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