Monday, 25 October 2021

Strange Dream of Family

 First off I don't know what it means.

The other night shortly before I fully woke up, I was in one of those dreams where I knew it was a dream, but was still in it anyways.

I was at the cottage on the lawn beside the cottage and coming down the hill were family that would have gone to the cottage, both living and dead. Everyone looked the best possible way, not too old, healthy. They greeted me with hugs and it felt so damn good. My grandma Phillips was there, and uncle Gord, and just... everyone it was so warm. As I was hugging them I could hear myself saying that I missed them and that I really needed the hug. I was just overcome with emotions and I think that I actually woke myself up sobbing.

 I'm not sure what my brain is doing or what it means. It was just so short but happy emotions. Just so much of it.

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