Saturday, 29 March 2003

2003.03.29 @ 2016

Well, the month is almost over. Time for things to end, and for new beginnings. All of the non-co-op people that are in my class will be graduating at the end of this semister. I guess that means that this part of my life is almost over. No more undergrad for me. (assuming that I pass everything in the next 8 months). It just seems weird. Am I really different from the person that started school in the fall of 99? I don't think that I really have changed that much, but I know that I have. In some ways I am becoming more like I was at the end of highschool. Weird. (not me, the situation). But there are some differences from the spring of 99 for me. I don't have my life all planned out. I don't know what I am going to be doing for the next four years. I don't really know where I will be. I think that I like this somewhat more.

There really isn't too much going on in my life at this time. Just school, school, and school. I'm going out for coffee and dessert with a friend and a couple of other people tomorrow. I have not actually met this person, but we have talked on the phone and writen many emails back and forth. We'll see how it goes. All I know is that the dessert is going to be great. Oh So Good is a great place. The have the best cakes... but it is sort of expensive, but who really cares when you are having great cake. Mmmm... cake.

Listening to: Moby - Alone

Wednesday, 26 March 2003

2003.03.26 @ 1306

Yes, I am sick. But not as deathly ill as I was yesterday. I am just taking a short break from doing work, more because my ability to think right now is severaly hindered. Sort of happens when you are sick. Ah well.

This Friday I am going to an awards cermony. Not because I got an award, but because a friend of mine did and her guest isn't able to come to it. Ah well. My luck I guess. I am going for several reasons, the first being there for my friend, but after that because it is probably the only awards cermony at this school that I will be invited to. No, I am not bitter, just being realistic.

I'm looking forward to this weekend... other than the fact that it is the weekend. Hopefully I will get some erands run. Like getting the oil changed on my car, meeting a friend for coffee, getting caught up on sleep, ... I know next week is going to be really harsh. But at this point I don't really care. I just wish that I had my voice back. :-(

Listening to: The Beatles - If I Fell

Tuesday, 18 March 2003

2003.03.18 @ 1438

Oie. I needed to take a break from doing all this work. I am working on a project due on friday about Jpeg 2000. It seems really neat, but I don't really get how important it is to what we are doing in class. I guess that is the same with everything that we seem to get for that class. Tomorrow we are going to do a lab where we do a client and server in to make a "chat program". This would seem interesting except for the fact that we did this already in second year when we knew a lot less. The assignments in this class either feel way to easy or way too hard. *sigh*

Oie. I should get back to work now... I just needed that break.

Listening to: Deee-Lite - Grove Is In the Heart

Monday, 17 March 2003

2003.04.17 @ 1438

If there is one thing that I have to do now, it is stop sleeping in. Either that or just going to be earlier. Maybe both.

One of the funny things that I have come across today is the 500 mile email. I found it on Ryan's blog (which is going through some changes while he upgrades...). I am sure that everyone that either reads his blog or has reads mine has seen it already, but... *shrug*. It is damn cold out today... Not a nice day like it has been in the past.

I bought Spirited Away and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Both good movies. Glad to get them on dvd. I just want to comment on their Flash websites. I really, really, don't like them (because they are flash). Yes, it can be pretty. But they are slow. And don't give me a "you should get broadband!" crap. I think that they are forcing their way around the idea that browsers are used for. The text isn't text, it is all images. The presentations are filled with sounds and other crap that takes a while to get. If you are doing a site, do a site. I could understand it if they want their site to be a "presenation", but it still pisses me off. I think that they should be two distinct things. *sigh* I should calm down and get a coke...

Listening to: Moxy Fruvous - Kick In The Ass

Tuesday, 11 March 2003

2003.03.11 @ 2154

I just had to include this. I got the link of another article (blog entry) that the guy had wrote.

The thory of the day: W=UH.

Listening to: John Williams - Zam The Assassin And The Chase Through Coruscant

2003.03.11 @ 2110

I finally have it all figured my master plan for my life. I am going to be a hermit and live in a tree. I think that I am going have to pick and nice warm place to live because living in a cold tree can't be fun. Maybe someone nice my a nearby village will bring food and place it in a bucket that I can raise up to my "treehouse". No internet, no job, no one bothering me. A really basic life. It would be best if they also brough me books to read... then I think that my life would be compleate.

Some days I think that I would actually do that if I wasn't such a wuss. I have to find another way to avoid reality because reading takes up too much of my time which I can't spare at this point and time.

Listening to: Foo Fighters - Burn Away

Sunday, 9 March 2003

2003.03.09 @ 1028

I guess that is is time to add another super-duper post to the old site. This last week was nuts... I don't really know how it turned out to be that way, but it did. This weekend I have used it to get caught up on sleep and try to recover some of my sanity. I don't know if that last part is futile, but oh well.

I have watched Bowling For Columbine. It was funny and scarry at the same time. I totally recemend seeing it. I can see why it wasn't super successful in the theatres, but it was definally something that made me think.

Listening to: Harvey Danger - Wrecking Ball

Wednesday, 5 March 2003

2003.03.05 @ 2257

This really sucks. I just can't shake this feeling, and it's pissing me off. *sigh* I would just rather be doing anything else, anywhere else. Almost. Ah well.

I think that maybe I just need a break. I don't think that I am going to go into work this weekend. Maybe that will help things. But I should probably do a ton of work this weekend to try and get caught up, however hopeless that is. Maybe I'll just go grab a movie. I have not been out to the movies since school started, but that was a disaster anyways. Some days I am just searching for something, an answer, and even though I am looking for it, I am not sure that I want to find it. Do you know what I mean? Maybe you do. I think that I just really need to go kayaking... or looking at the stars. Or both. It's kind of hard to go kayaking in this weather though... But even that will not solve the problem.

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished.
He had won the victory over himself." - 1984
Listening to: Simon And Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

Tuesday, 4 March 2003

2003.03.04 @ 2228

Score! I just had to post about this now... I am trying to enrich myself by reading some books that are considered classics. I was going to go out and buy them all. I think that I still might do that. (I like hardcopies of things like that). However, I just found a great site. It has all kinds of books online. For free. That is always something that I like. It also has a forum where people can discuss the books. YAY!!

I was totally happy (and why I am doing this post right now) when I found out that they had Sun Yzu's The Art of War. I think that I will be reading that durring my bus rides on my way into work on the bus... humm... I think that maybe I should look into something that I can keep these things on so that I can read them on the bus without printing them out. I wonder how much something like that would cost. I would love to get a tablet pc, but I think that would be WAY too much cash. Maybe something small like a palm or a something like that would be good. Or I could just go to the library and take out the books... we shall see. ;-)

Listening to: Pink - Get This Party Started

Monday, 3 March 2003

2003.03.03 @ 2049

Woo-hoo! I have a job for the summer. ;-) That makes me happy 'cause I don't have to go through all the co-op crap of doing second round. Nice to be out of the system. And I think that I will really enjoy working there. It's the place where I wanted to work, industry canada. I spoke about it in my last post... Anyways, I haev a job, it seems like interesting work, I'll have my iron ring, I'll almost be graduated. ;-)

Did you notice the date today? It is 03/03/03. Three three's. Three is my lucky number. Let's hope that this is some cosmic meaning other than just a random day. Only time will tell.

Listening to: Barenaked Ladies - One Week