Saturday, 29 March 2003

2003.03.29 @ 2016

Well, the month is almost over. Time for things to end, and for new beginnings. All of the non-co-op people that are in my class will be graduating at the end of this semister. I guess that means that this part of my life is almost over. No more undergrad for me. (assuming that I pass everything in the next 8 months). It just seems weird. Am I really different from the person that started school in the fall of 99? I don't think that I really have changed that much, but I know that I have. In some ways I am becoming more like I was at the end of highschool. Weird. (not me, the situation). But there are some differences from the spring of 99 for me. I don't have my life all planned out. I don't know what I am going to be doing for the next four years. I don't really know where I will be. I think that I like this somewhat more.

There really isn't too much going on in my life at this time. Just school, school, and school. I'm going out for coffee and dessert with a friend and a couple of other people tomorrow. I have not actually met this person, but we have talked on the phone and writen many emails back and forth. We'll see how it goes. All I know is that the dessert is going to be great. Oh So Good is a great place. The have the best cakes... but it is sort of expensive, but who really cares when you are having great cake. Mmmm... cake.

Listening to: Moby - Alone

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