Tuesday, 4 March 2003

2003.03.04 @ 2228

Score! I just had to post about this now... I am trying to enrich myself by reading some books that are considered classics. I was going to go out and buy them all. I think that I still might do that. (I like hardcopies of things like that). However, I just found a great site. It has all kinds of books online. For free. That is always something that I like. It also has a forum where people can discuss the books. YAY!!

I was totally happy (and why I am doing this post right now) when I found out that they had Sun Yzu's The Art of War. I think that I will be reading that durring my bus rides on my way into work on the bus... humm... I think that maybe I should look into something that I can keep these things on so that I can read them on the bus without printing them out. I wonder how much something like that would cost. I would love to get a tablet pc, but I think that would be WAY too much cash. Maybe something small like a palm or a something like that would be good. Or I could just go to the library and take out the books... we shall see. ;-)

Listening to: Pink - Get This Party Started

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