Wednesday, 5 March 2003

2003.03.05 @ 2257

This really sucks. I just can't shake this feeling, and it's pissing me off. *sigh* I would just rather be doing anything else, anywhere else. Almost. Ah well.

I think that maybe I just need a break. I don't think that I am going to go into work this weekend. Maybe that will help things. But I should probably do a ton of work this weekend to try and get caught up, however hopeless that is. Maybe I'll just go grab a movie. I have not been out to the movies since school started, but that was a disaster anyways. Some days I am just searching for something, an answer, and even though I am looking for it, I am not sure that I want to find it. Do you know what I mean? Maybe you do. I think that I just really need to go kayaking... or looking at the stars. Or both. It's kind of hard to go kayaking in this weather though... But even that will not solve the problem.

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished.
He had won the victory over himself." - 1984
Listening to: Simon And Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

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