Wednesday, 24 September 2003

feeling the pre-crunch

Not that there has been anything due so far that has made me loose sleep, but I can see it coming. Five courses seemed like a blessing to me before, but I can tell that this is not going to be a cake walk. I had hoped that it would be, but looking back that was a false hope. But alas, there is only 88 days to go, so dispair not!

I got my grad photos done today... the girl taking them had me laughing. Not so much because she was really funny, but because the guys in front of me were. She puts on the iron ring for the photos, and when she did that to one of the guys that went before me, he said "I do". It really freaked her out. But I totally understand why he said it... it was really weird, but it felt right at the same time. Like I said, weird.

Laura ended up dropping by for a surprise visit today since she was on campus. There is nothing like a surprise visit to brighten up my day and generally make it nice. Ah, the weekend doesn't seem so far away anymore. ;-)
Listening to: David Usher - Black Black Heart Version 2

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