Sunday, 28 September 2003

Grad photos

In case anyone cares, I have posted some of my grad photos. Yes, I look like a total tool, but I guess that's the way it is. But notice the RING. ;-) hee hee...
Listening to: Underworld - Why Why Why


  1. Sellers, go for #7 if you want one that you can look at without laughing. Any of #8 thru #12 otherwise. Hahahahah.

  2. No no no no no. Tell me you're joking. 1 or 12 is the way to go, or maybe 3. The others look like you're trying not to to make a snarky comment about the joke of it all... oh, wait, maybe they're more appropriate??

  3. I think that right now 6 is favourite, followed closely by 1 and 2.
    I really like my face in 12, but it has the hat (which I don't like) and the weird background. The background looks like something out of a haunted house...

  4. It's 2003, I can't believe they don't have the technology to just take the picture in front of a green screen and drop a nice backdrop in later... that way, they could send you your proofs online, let you pick which one you wanted, and you could see it with a bunch of different backgrounds. It would be awesome. Maybe i'm just asking for too much

  5. I don't think that you are asking too much. It would probably make sense if you were starting NOW to do things that way. But with things like this they are using old technology because they have such an investment in it. That and they might not be able to aford to buy all new equipment (or our pictures would cost us a LOT more).
    They are not the only ppl that are using old tech. Can anyone say COBOL?

  6. You know how they say the camera puts on ten pounds?....well in your case Jim I think it takes off ten years!
