Monday, 15 September 2003

Kitchen counters suck.

Yes, you heard me. Kitchen counters suck. I am again helping my dad do a product reset for Belanger countertops. They are taking out some products that are not selling too well, and bring in some new colours. It's not how I want to spend my mornings this week, but that's the way things are going to be. It sucks 'cause he is getting me up at 5 am (yes, there is a 5 am now. Who knew?) so we can do it before many customers get to the store. *sigh* I just needed to bitch.

At least this isn't like last time where we started at closing time, and have to move a whole isle including moving all the steel. That time we had a team of about a dozen ppl though. This time it's just my old man and myself. One store down, like 4 to go.
Listening to: Starsailor - Tie Up My Hands

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