Sunday, 20 April 2008

Sucker for cranks

I don't know why, but I find manual powered flashlights fascinating. I understand how they work, hell, I could probably build (a crappy) one. But if you give me a choice between one that needs batteries (AA, D, etc), or a crank one that you don't have to constantly crank, I'll choose the crank one every time. I'm a sucker for them, what can I say.

I bought another one today for my commuting bike. I don't often bike when I feel that I'd need a light, but for those few times that I should have had one but didn't, it's been really, really scary. At this point I think that the lights are more useful on the bike trails so pedestrians will see me coming. I find bikers and drivers mostly aware of bikers in Ottawa since they expect them to be out and about.

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