Friday, 19 December 2008


I've got an airport extreme because I wanted wireless N, things to "just work", and to pay too much for a router. Well, those were Andrew's words.

Anyways, sometimes something goes wrong with the internet connection, so the easiest way to fix it is to remotely reboot the router. Everything comes back and I can surf the web again. Also need to do that when new firmware comes out. What happens? The network drive stops working. It looks mounted, but when I try and access it, it just spins saying "Connecting...". I can't unmount / eject it either because it says it's busy. I'm tried rebooting various parts of the system - my computer, the router, the network drive. Nothing worked. So I turned off the whole shabang. Waited while power drained from all the devices, then turned it all back on.

It works. For now. Every time they seem to push out a new update, they either get networking working or break it - alternatively. It can be pretty frustrating. Apple's "It Just Works" feels like a lie... they should change it to "it works most of the time".

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