Thursday, 18 December 2008

Internet Fridge

One thing that I always looked on with scorn was kitchen appliances that are "connected to the internet". I always thought that was the dumbest thing. Why would anyone want their fridge connected to the 'net? It didn't make sense to me until this week when we were at the grocery store.

What foods had we written on the board on the fridge? How much milk was left in the fridge? It became guesswork. RFID chipped food containers so the fridge could provide you an "inventory". Tablet connected "white board" that you could sync / read from a mobile device. There would be less guesswork, less transcribing of lists to other lists, less annoying stuff. Now I get it.

The next thing that I'd love to have for grocery shopping? In store pickup. Do some ordering online, say what time (aprox) you'll be there, pull up and have them load the car. Done. The amount of time we spend wondering around the store looking for things or waiting in line would be ours again. That's probably 1-2 hours per week. I can't really see it happening in the short term, but that would be so good.


  1. On the topic of shopping. I would like a way to enter my shopping list into the grocery store's website, and have it organized in the order which you would encounter the items in the store. I've found that most of the time I waste while at the grocery store is walking back and forth between sections on opposite ends of the store as I look for stuff. Either that, or I run through my list n times (where n is the number of items on my list) so I don't have to walk back and forth across the store. I try to organize my list ahead of time, so that all the items that would be in the same section are near each other on the list. This cuts down my shopping time quite a bit.

  2. Or even better: a GPS: Grocery-cart Positioning System. "Turn left at the tomatoes. Go ahead one isle."
