Monday, 8 December 2008

Waltzing Blackflies

One thing that I always liked on tv when I was smaller was the Log Driver's Waltz. Much later came Blackfly, which is also a classic. Catchy, lots of interesting things to watch, just enjoyable.

It's a bit funny that the nfb is selling the shorts on dvd for 15 $... the clips are you youtube of course if you look on the official site in flash: Blackfly and Log Driver's Waltz. I just watched both sets and now I have a mix of the songs in my head...
For he goes birling down a-down the white water
That's where the log driver learns to step lightly
In North On-tar-i-o-i-o, in North On-tar-i-o


  1. According to, Christopher Hinton received an Oscar nomination for his animation work on Blackfly (1991).
    I had never seen it before, very funny :) ...and true!

  2. I was searching for the "White Knight" story, and came across your blog, did you ever find out who wrote the story or a link to it? would you mind reposting that info? thanks

  3. NFB has flash videos:

  4. Joe: unfortunately I don't have that info. I just email "Kim" that commented on that post but the account seems to be gone. I think that I had emailed at the time of the post as well, but it never got through.
    Ryan: sweet! I'll update the post to link to the real source. :-D
