Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Brilliant deduction Captain Obvious!

A lot of the time people will say something so obvious that I just want to mock them the moment it's out of their mouth. But I'm either not quick enough, or too nice, or a combo of the 2 to actually slam them.

The first thing out of someone's mouth when I show up wearing a bike helmet and shorts, holding panniers is "Did you bike here?". Like every freaking time. I very much want to answer in a deadpan voice and expression "No, I just took the bus." I don't know if it's a social reflex or what, but it's annoying.

One lady a couple of months ago was trying to get into our 7th floor work area. She was looking for some boardroom 10-something. She asked us if we knew where it was, and the first thing that popped out of my mouth was "no, but I'd try the 10th floor". I'm just glad that it was polite. I guess that some people aren't used to numbering conventions...


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