Saturday, 9 May 2009

Calling you man

It's steadily increasing how many times it's been a PITA for Laura and I both not to have a mobile phone. It's annoying, it's harder to co-ordinate or meet up. It's really starting to tick me off. I've been lightly shopping for a new phone for Laura because if there's someone who actually needs a smart phone of the 2 of us, it's her. She usually carries a cell, pager, palm pilot (old school, not wireless, not a phone) - and she actually uses them. It's not a toy for her, it's a tool.

Me on the other hand, it would very much just be a toy. A nice, shiny toy. Do I need a smart phone? No. Do I want one? Of course. But, like most things, I just don't want to pay for one. I think that the simplest (and cheapest) thing that would solve my current frustration would be to add a text messaging plan to our pay-as-you-go phone and for me to carry that one.

I'm excited for Laura because this summer it sounds like both the palm pre and goggle (android) phones are being released, in addition to the iphone and blackberries already on the market.

If I was going to choose one based solely on what I know now, I'd probably get the android based HTC Magic. Looks pretty, has all the google stuff built in (which I use a lot), is somewhat hackable with being able to write java apps for it. It looks like you can even use maven and eclipse for building apps, all you need in a one time 25 $ output to put things into the market. That's the phone I want to play with.

What phone do I think Laura should get? Unfortunately for the apps that she'll probably need, I doubt that they would have an android version right now. (Laura, remind me if you read this to give me a list of the apps you use so I can write the companies asking / requesting android versions). We'll see what kinds of mid-summer deals the carriers will come out with.

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