Monday, 6 October 2014

Living the life of minimal stuff

I love the idea of less stuff. We keep on giving stuff away when we don't use it much and that makes our house "bigger". The other day there was a story about a small house movement on the radio which I found interesting. Of course the people doing it don't have any kids. There are of course extremes.

I was working away in the kitchen after this story and I was thinking "ya, I'd love to do this". But then I thought about it - I have 3 different coffee makers (french press, drip machine, espresso machine), and I was considering getting a fourth. I think that I even have half a dozen cutting boards. That's nuts. I have many things that I only use occasionally (slow cookers, glass roasting pans, extra pots, etc). How the hell could I even consider living in a small house if I can't even downsize all the crap that I have in the kitchen? The worst part? I don't think that I'd get rid of the stuff either. I use it. Occasionally. Usually when entertaining or cooking a large amount of food.

I think that my idea home would be where someone takes care of most of the work, possibly with the place in a condo building. However, it would have to have a bunch of "party rooms" or even a set of large cooking stuff to make food for those special times. Or would the cost difference in a small house vs a big one more than compensate for catering each big get together?

A lot of the time the idea of living something like a commune has a lot of appeal - but only for the use of shared stuff. Does every house need a lawnmower? Probably not. *sigh* Done with the brain dump for now.

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