Saturday, 18 October 2014

Who's the big turkey now?

I did it. I hosted thanksgiving! Actually I think that I hosted before, but my brain isn't functioning at that level right now. I made a turkey, gravy, (mostly) made stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, mashed garlic rosemary potatoes, cheese broccoli, and had snacks too. For 9 adults and our 2 kids. Boo ya.

Now, I helped make food for my side of the family (2 dinners of 19 and 25 people), but this was mostly me doing the cooking. Oh course I had a lot of help from my beautiful assistant, so I can't take all the credit.

However, between doing all this cooking, helping guests, carving, making sauces, etc I only took one picture. With my phone. And it (the turkey) doesn't look that good. In person it looked better. It was dryer than I was hoping for, but it's hard to manage a kitchen. No mater if it's a dinner for 4 or 25, I always struggle getting people to actually come to the table at the right time. I've got to work on that.

In summary: I enjoyed the food and company. Yay us. :-D

TURKEY! Gobble gobble gobble!
Mmmm... turkey!

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