Friday, 10 July 2015

Coming up on 10 years biking to work

I've been reading a lot about biking lately. Mostly it's the group of people that want biking to be safer. That's awesome. Reading about them makes me go "Wow, they are so hardcore! I'm not like that." That got me wondering: how long have I been biking into work (season permitting). Apparently it's almost ten years. Crazy.

This year there seems to be more people biking into work than I have even seen before. I totally attribute that to the bike lane, despite it being pretty short.

Maybe one year I'll even take up winter biking (new bike?). At this point it seems like it would be too dangerous. But apparently that's what I thought about biking downtown too...

Who knows. Maybe one day someone will look at me and think "man, he's so hardcore". More likely they'll just wonder where I got the funny hat.

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