Monday, 6 July 2015

I've always been a city person

I was thinking about this the other day: as long as I can remember I've been a "city person". I've loved biking, I've loved cars compared to trucks, I've loved being close to things. I've lived almost equal amounts of time in suburbia, county (middle of no-where) and "centrally" aka ~ 5km of downtown. I'll admit that the neighbourhood we're in is more like a suburb than Right Downtown, but close enough.

So far, by far, I've enjoyed being central. Sure, it may be because I'm happily married but maybe, just maybe, it's because I'm in the city that allows me to be happily married. (See what I did there?)

Annnyways. I'm really enjoying being city folk. I don't know what we'll do one day where we won't have a requirement to be close to downtown. Will we move out by a lake somewhere? Not sure. I like being around for festivals etc. Who knows what the future will bring.

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