Monday, 28 April 2003

2003.04.28 @ 2350

One thing that definally gets the heart pumping is passing a deer at 90 kph. Not cool, not cool at all. The stupid freaking rodents have come out... stupid spring. Ah well. All I can do is try and be alert and not crunch anything. I don't want to kill anything, and I don't want to mess up my car. Well, it is more the bank's car than mine... little detail.

I spent a ton of money today... buying food, drinks, dvd's (3), books (5), ... and other things too. Ah well. I sort of went on a spending spree 'cause I am finally done all my exams for this semister (4a). Getting closer and closer to being done. A lot of the people that I know (non-co- op) are done, and my class is suddenly smaller. Weird. Sort of sad too. But I don't think that has set in at all at this point. Maybe later.

I think that I have figured out a reason why I can never find my page on a search engine. It might be because I don't have properly formatted html. I never use a body tag, so I can control where tripod puts the ad. I am not really sure that I want people to randomly be able to find my page anyways... I am just thinking of it 'cause Ryan and Peter seem to be getting really high rankings on google. People in our class can randomly type strings in that have something to do with our classes and get Pete's site, why people googling tech stuff get Ryan's. Funny...

I start my fourth and most likely last co-op job on the 5th. I am looking forward to it. I think that I will learn a lot, and if I "fit" they most likely will offer me a job. I just have not not mess up too badly in the next four months. That means not being late... I was late for meeting my boss and signing papers. Not a good impression to make. I will definally be correcting that for the first month or so. My goal is to get there early, stay late, and make them love me. hahaha, oh, as if life worked that way.

Listening to: Harvey Danger - Terminal Annex

Sunday, 27 April 2003

2003.04.27 @ 2217

Well, it looks like the Sens lost... ah well. I just hope that they make it back. I really think that they should go all the way this year. But, I said that last year too. Ah well. I am mostly a bandwaggon fan anyways. I'll watch them, cheer for them, but I don't follow the season too much. I don't cheer for too many teams in anything though.

If I could only get rid of this sickness, I would be much happier. Espically with my last exam tomorrow. :-( After that, I have to pay all my bills that have been building up, get my brother a good and thoughtful b-day gift... about a week late, and re-write my co-op report. Oie. AND catch up on my emails. Then maybe I'll start reading a tech book (any suggestions?) and also finish off my free-time reading. Did a couple of books already this month. I should have been spending the time studying or working on project, but... my brain really needed a rest. And it was nice to "get away from it all" for a bit, even if it was only in my own mind. The only problem, sometimes it is really crowed in there. ;-P

Listening to: The Tragically Hip - Born In The Water

Saturday, 26 April 2003

2003.04.26 @ 2101

Uggg... I think that I am getting sick. I don't know why... it isn't super cold outside, there is no real reason why I should be getting sick. This sucks. One exam to go too. Ah well. I just hope that I will be able to figure out everything that I need to know for Quality tomorrow. I think that on monday it is a morning exam, so no last minute studying with other people. I just wish that my nose stops running and my head clears up some.

It seems that Ryan has been getting a lot of people reading his blog lately. I guess that is what happens when you say something that is useful and interesting tech wise to other people, rather than just have a brain dump like what this is. Did that make sense? did I mention that my head is killing me?

My parents went to see Rod Beattie at the NAC. My parents know him from way back in the Toronto days. I think that it is more my aunt was good friends with his brother... something like that. He has been doing his Wingfield series for a while. Some of the one man shows were on the cbc last year (I think). They are definally worth watching... he is very funny. And it is great how he becomes all the other characters, changes his voice, body language, ... well, it's great. Oh, if you didn't get it, he does a one man show. Anyways, where I was going was I was going to talk about having to look after my sister. It is like looking after one of those super bouncy balls, except this one makes a lot of noise and doesn't slow down. Ever. Little wonder a lot of the time I end up going into school to study. *sigh* I think that I am going to go get some OJ and anything else that I can think of to kill this cold.

Listening to: Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

Thursday, 24 April 2003

2003.04.24 @ 1922

Well, it happend. I need to "rewrite" my co-op report. I guess that I will find out what is wrong with it tomorrow. I think that the length will be an issue (my body is over 8 pages including the conclusion, and about 1000 words short). Ah well. More than half of the people have been asked to do a re-write. I am going to have to double check the min. requirements. I don't really care too much. I doubt that it is just formatting that is wrong with my report. :-) I'll see tomorrow.

One of the good things is how I have gotten into the courses that I wanted to get into for my tech electives for the fall. That is one less thing that I have to worry about. Yay me! Not that is was hard or anything... I just have to take the time and actually have the advisor free to talk to me.

My brother hit the big three-oh today. hee hee... I keep on telling him that he is older than dirt... It's so easy to be mean now that I am older but still the younger brother. And now with my sister I am able to be the "big brother" too. All the kids in her class think that I am giant. Nice. But to 5 / 6 year olds, it isn't too hard to see huge.

Listening to: Foo Fighters - My Hero

Wednesday, 23 April 2003

2003.04.23 @ 2027

I just saw my nephew today. He was born on the 21st, which as it turns out, is a great day to be born in, any month. I am sure that Steph will back me up on this one. Anyways, he was so, so small! I never really saw Jadelynn when Phil and Joy first brought her home 'cause everyone in my house was sick, and when Adam and Sheryl had Kaitlin, I only saw them in the hospital because I was living in Montreal at the time. Maybe I have just forgotten how small they can be. I laugh when I think about how much Phil and Joy have changed in just under 2 years... how when they had Jadelynn they were so careful and, well, unexperienced. Now, holding and looking after babies seems to be second nature and they do it without thought. Really cool.

I have picked up some more web comics (pronouced as waste-of-time). One of the funniest is Little Gamers. It is rude and crude, badly drawn, and oh so funny. I think that Peter has been reading them for a while. I think that for a lot of things "internet related" I am behind the curve. At least that is how I feel. Come to think of it, I feel behind the curve most of the time.

Two of my friends seem like they are going to leave the country for a bit... one is going to Switzerland, the other to Japan. The one going to Japan is going to teach English, which I think is pretty cool. For the one that shall not be named, we (meaning other people are doing it, but I am on the "inside") were going to have a surprise party, but I don't know if that is going to happen... it is hard to do this sort of thing around exams, and if they think that no one is going to show up to wish them a happy good-bye, how much of a bummer would that be? I think that pretty soon the surprise will have to be broken.

The friend going to Switzerland has made me sad... it will be great for her, but I won't be in school when she comes back to finish her degree, and then I think that she will be doing grad school far away (west coast?) when she comes back. And I think that at this point, I will probably be hanging around here anyways. Ah well. I guess that is part of life, people moving on and continuing their lives. Still, it's sad. :-(

Listening to: Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - The Black Gate Is Closed

2003.04.23 @ 1248

Who would have thought that we are getting more snow. I didn't. I didn't even really believe the weather report. *sigh* Ah well. And just last night as I came home, I was thinking how green the grass was starting to look. Snow's gotta be good for the grass and flowers... right?

The exam last night went okay... I think that I knew the material well enough. We'll see though. The prof even let us keep the exam. I'll be using that for studying for the PPE [pdf] if I ever take it. I think that it would be great to be able to put P. Eng. behind my name, but at this point I am not sure how fast I will be able to get those four years of experience of working with / for a P. Eng. doing eng. work. It doesn't really fit with software eng. sometimes. It's just too new. The rules are better for older types of engineering... I think that it will be harder to find software P. Eng's than it would be for any other type of engineering, including new things like tissue engineering where I can see you working with chem. eng's and other more science-y types of work.

Don't mind me. I am just annoyed. And I am trying to avoid studying for ceg.

Listening to: Nerf Herder - She's A Sleestak

Monday, 21 April 2003

2003.04.21 @ 2035

Well, I am an uncle again. ;-) I now have a nephew named Christopher Phillip Sellers. I am not sure about the spelling, but that looks close to me. He was born about 1235h today and everyone is doing well. I am really happy for my brother and Joy.

I really don't have any other special news that can beat that... All I have been up to is trying to learn Law last minute and hoping that I will do well on the 100% final that I have tomorrow. I have to come up with a good list of all the terms that I need to know. I thought that I had retained more than I did, but on going over it with other people I have figured out the truth. That I am totally and utterly screwed. I don't think that I will be able to pull this out out of my ass like I have been able to with the others. I really wish that this course isn't a graded course. Pass or fail would be so much better.

Listening to: The Tragically Hip - So hard done by

Sunday, 20 April 2003

2003.04.20 @ 1933

I don't even understand how I used to study for exams. I just can't seem to be able to do it anymore. This is driving me nuts. How hard should it be to pick up a text book and read it? To take it all in? *sigh* I just hope that since I have finished Easter dinner I don't fall asleep from that full feeling.

When I was living in Montreal, I didn't really get how my room mate could do nothing for months... no school, no job... I think that I am starting to understand it. I have been off school for a couple of weeks (I know, not the same league), and have not done much, and really have no desire to do so. I think that maybe I am just totally avoiding even thinking about school stuff to avoid doing it. Maybe if I don't look, the monster's will go away.

On a different note, my brother is turning 30 in a couple of days (4) and I have to figure what to get him. I don't think that he is really having a party because his second child is almost due and I don't think that his wife is really up to a party. Maybe I should just surprise him with some food. That makes most people happy. I think that I should think of something quick... time is a-running out. And I am not going to get him a 4x4 like he asked. I just don't think that I can find that kind of money in the couch.

Listening to: Moxy Fruvous - Breakfast at Tiffany's

Saturday, 19 April 2003

2003.04.19 @ 2317

I just read a really interesting article referenced from slash dot on a distributed search engine. How they can have tons of computers working to index the net. I can see that this will be the way that computers will go. Everything will be distributed and have redundancies. The people that will insert false information will be tagged and / or their data will just be dropped because it will not correspond to others that did similar work. Just like at school, when 5 people get the same answer, but the 6th gets something different, that sets off bells.

At the beginning of the article, I was nodding and mentalling agreeing with how they were "building a better search engine", but I swung around after reading the comments from the google rep. I don't really care how many pages the search engine that I am using hits, as long as I can find the information in the first page that it returns. Hopefully in the first 3 links. If it goes past that, I get impatient and angry. Or I think of other key words that might turn up the info that I am looking for.

Most days I want a crystal ball. I just want to see how things turn out. I want to know the new technologies, how society has organized itself, the moral decisions that people as a whole have decided on (or the ones that the few has chosen for the many). I just have this intense desire to know. It can be very frustrating sometimes.

Listening to: Wide Mouth Mason - Superstition

2003.04.19 @ 2135

It's Easter now... the bunny is coming. My sister has informed me that I have to be good for the Easter bunny to bring me candy. That means that I cannot tickle her. *sigh* It sure is a tough life.

One of the things that has been weighing on my mind lately has been the topic of one of my lectures from SEG 2910. It was all about how it is not important what our decisions are so much, as how the decisions that we made change us. The decision has a direct impact upon the person who made it. How if you decide to speed on your way to work today, the first time you decide to break the law is a big, hard decision. But it sets a habbit, which can become a behaviour. Pretty soon, you won't even have to think about breaking the law. It won't occur to you to do anything else. Or, like if you decide to try and be nice and keep on making plugs for your friend's blog...

The thing about this is, the decisions that I have already made are what has made me into the person that I am today. There are many decisions that I have made that I wish to take back, to do things differently, to... well, to fix what I have done. And I don't think that I have the ability to do that. I think that I have always had an external locus of control, but the more that I think about it, the more that I believe that in the end, it is all just internal. I have the power to change who I am to who I think that I should be. I am just not sure that I am ready for this power.

Listening to: Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up

Friday, 18 April 2003

2003.04.18 @ 2108

Tonight I went to my brother's house and had dinner with the whole family and all. Then, afterwards, we went into the hot tub. Really, really nice. So relaxing. Except now I smell like chemicals (bromine) and when I got out I felt really sick. I guess I can't really handle going from hot hot water for like 35 minutes to the cold (8 degrees C) air. Not cool. He tells me that it is just something that you get used to after a while. Yikes.

I read a cool article over at Robert Cringely's site. Pretty interestings insights into some of the current going's on. I didn't know that the guys were so competitive. I guess that is one of the things that have made these guys so successful. Losers don't make all that money.

I have been trying to figure out how I can make a plug for Karen's blog, but I can't think of anything and it is bugging me. I guess that I'll just figure out some way to do that tomorrow.

Listening to: Foo Fighters - Tired Of You

Thursday, 17 April 2003

2003.04.17 @ 2321

One thing that has been bothering me lately has been the SARS outbreak in Toronto. My aunt has been looking after 2 patients there on 12 hour shifts. When I spoke to her the other day she sounded quite tired... And that is usually when people make mistakes. The are keeping the people in negative pressure rooms (so any air leaks don't let air leak out) that are ventalated outside. There is this "waiting room" thing before you actually get into the room where they put on double everything. Double masks, gowns, boots, goggles (well, maybe not doube googles...). Anyways, if they forget anything in the hall, they have to take it all off and do it all again. Of course there is lots and lots of scrubbing involved. Before they are even allowed into the hospital they have to take their temp. and sign a waver that says they don't have any symptoms. Scary, scary stuff.
I saw the hockey at Karen's house. Great game. It is always better to watch something like that somewhere else. I don't think that it matters if it is out at a bar or something or just at another person's house, as long as it is not at mine. I don't know why.
Listening to: Jones & Edelman - Last of the Mohicans - Elk hunt

2003.04.17 @ 1551

Well, I finally did it. I have my admin page working fine. Now I can go do some studying. Phase 2 is now compleate. Bwahahahaha! For some reason the resources that I was looking at on the web didn't seem to give me the right information. I decided to go right to the source of my problem (where the solution should be) and get the straight goods from them. Well, now I am happy. After exams I'll get Phase 3 working. But that will involve more work.

It's funny how the small little things can take the longest to do. And when you actually figure them out, they are the easiest to fix as well. Ah well. I'll continue my efforts to learn web programming. That is, when I am not reading Karen's blog. Ah, plug done.

Listening to: Andrew LLoyd Webber (Cats) - Macavity

2003.04.17 @ 0033

I think that I will forever be just one step away from where I want to be. It can be very frustrating because I feel so close to the answer. :-( I remember the third Indiana Jones where at the end the people are trying to get the grail, and they don't realize that they can't really get it. I think that I am there. I keep on fixing things and I keep on finding more things that need fixing.

And the thing that is bugging me, I think that the client should be able to do the work, but it doesn't. And what I am trying to do no one would see, only if they looked at the source code. And that pretty much means just me. All I want to do is limit the number of characters per line written to a freaking file. I think that isn't too much to ask. Well, maybe tonight it is.

One thing that I couldn't stop laughing when I read it was a Fox Trot comic... it was the sort of thing that took me a second to get, but I smile every time that I think about it. ;-)

Listening to: Goo Goo Dolls - Slide

Wednesday, 16 April 2003

2003.04.16 @ 2033

Well, I *almost* have my admin form working... I got some help from Karen. I was doing some really dumb things. Got those cleaned up now though. I am sure that I am still doing lots of dumb things though. I think that one of my last problems now is the stupid "wrap" with html forms. IE 6 doesn't seem to do it well, and my brain is burning out. I just have to get something in Perl to break up the lines nicely for me. So, so close.

One of the things that I wanted to talk about today was the purpose of this blog, site, etc. The blog is about 4th on the reasons that I have a website. The main purpose of this thing is for it to be a learning experience. I really don't understand how other people can learn stuff like this just to learn it. I need a purpose. I need some modivation. Having this page lets me have that. It helps me understand all kinds of things, which I won't get into now. I just wanted to have that little rant. Nice.

Not too much new here... Had a super big storm last night. Of course it took out the power and now I have to go around and reset clocks (which I hate). At least it kept the stupid wood pecker off of the TV tower. Stupid, stupid bird. How can it mistake a metal pole for a tree? It must have brain damage. Well, at least now it does.

Listening to: Bif Naked - If I

Tuesday, 15 April 2003

2003.04.15 @ 2005

Stupid figging Perl. I have wasted way too much time today playing around with it. And I am so, SO close with it too! Grrr... My problem is that I have to "untaint" an input from a user before I do something with it. Makes sense. So, all I have to do a run a regular expression on it. Again, makes sense to me. And do you think that I can do that okay? No. I think that I am running it correctly, but I can't get the answer back. I have a cgi/Perl book, and they say: Note that because the result of the regular expression is a list, you must include the parentheses around $filename to evaluate it in a list context.. I am doing it. And I am getting the error that they said that I would get if I didn't include the stupid brackets! Ahhh!!

*sigh* I think that I should just stop and study for my exam tomorrow. I think that it would be a good idea... but it ticks me off because I am SO close!!! :-(

Listening to: Sum 41 - In Too Deep

2003.04.15 @ 1223

Well, as always, I am trying to make slow and progressive improvements on this page. I just did a little tiny stuff by cleaning up some of the html. I still have a ways to go though. Eventually I'll get this to be a nicer site with all the pretty things that I want. I still think that I am going to try and keep it simple though... you know, with about five colours... clean layout, etc.

In other news, Karen has a blog! I am sure that everyone is happy about this. I know that I am. She's reading slashdot, has her own blog (using blogger), ... ahh, joining the geeks has she! ;-) Now she just has to dress badly and she will truely be one of us. I am not sure if she'll be okay with that. In truth, I am happy for her. Playing around with the web is the best way to learn. But the thing that I found funny is that with rogers she can't put anything in her cgi-bin directory. So that really limits what she can do server side. I somehow doubt that they have php or asp. Ah well. Best of luck. I just need to learn more Perl. ;-)

Listening to: Moxy Früvous - Stuck in the 90s

Monday, 14 April 2003

2003.04.14 @ 1523

Well, step one of fixing up my site is done. I now have it doing somewhat dynamic content. It is just grabbing the last 5 posts and displaying them. After this, I'll also do a web interface for me to do posts, and also a way so that (if anyone would ever want to) they could look at my old posts. I think that I'll just keep on playing around with it. The main purpose of this page is for me to learn (and vent if I feel like it), so that is what this is. Me learning html and Perl. I'd learn php, but I don't feel like it right now. Sometime later I am sure.

Well, other than wasting a lot of time on this page, I have not done any school work in the last day. I did the answers for some assignments for one of my classes though.. That is something I guess. Anyways, back to Law.

Listening to: Moxy Fr�vous - Gulf War Song

Sunday, 13 April 2003

2003.04.13 @ 1939

Dumb, dumb, dumb. Well, I did it. I tried to sign up for courses this fall. Karen kept on telling me to do it, and I kept on poo-poo'ing it, saying that I won't have any problems. Well, guess what? I have problems. I can't get into either course that I wanted to get into. So sad. So I ended up emailing the person that helps me "decide" what courses to take to see if she can get me into those classes. In the past they have been helpful, making room in the classes for me. Hopefully it'll work this time too. fingers crossed

Other than that, I have not been up to too much. I think that this semister I will finally get this blog to be dynamic. With the restrictions that Tripod has, i.e. only Perl, no command line access, only in the cgi-bin directory, etc. I was having a hard time figuring exactly how I would do it. But I think that I figured it out this time. I was thinking that I would use Perl to create static pages that only had to be generated every time I made a post. I think that I am going to scrap that idea. I think instead I am going to have it fully dynamic. All I have to do is read the files and output them over the net to the person requesting the page. But, (this is the part that I don't like that much), I will move my blog. It will have to be in a sub directory of my main page. I don't know if I'll do a redirect, or just have a link. We'll see. Anyways, I don't think that it'll be too hard. I just have to figure out the easy thing of opening a file and dumping it to the screen. The hard part (?) will be figuring out what files to dump. I think that I will either need to do a dir listing, or have a file that contains a list of all of the files. (I don't like that idea). Ah well. I'll figure that out after exams.

Listening to: John Williams - E. T. - Adventures On Earth

Friday, 11 April 2003

2003.04.11 @ 2140

It was one of the weirdest things that I have ever done. I helped interview people for a co-op job. It wasn't weird because of the nature of the task itself, but because I felt so out of place doing it. Help interview people who turn out to be taking the same course as me (SEG2910). strange. I just sort of hope that none of them recognize me at school. I think that would just be too weird. And I hope that they don't get pissed 'cause they didn't get the job. I mean, they are interviewing 9 ppl for two positions. You do the math.

I am just glad that it is getting warmer. Pretty soon it will be nice enough for me to be out washing my car, and getting it into prime shape for picking up all those babes... well, maybe it'll just be clean.

Listening to: Moby - Extreme Ways

Thursday, 10 April 2003

2003.04.10 @ 2020

Holy frigging crap. I hate my adm prof. Good thing that I really don't have to deal with her anymore. I just got a reply from her for a email that I sent out like a week ago. From her blackberry. Nothing about that lady doesn't piss me off. Both her and my Law prof work for the place that I am going to working at this summer. I keep on having a really bad thought where I will have to work with her. I wouldn't mind working with the law guy, but she is a real ... Well, I shouldn't say it. Grrr...

You can tell it is spring... As I was going along the 417, four deer ran across the four lanes of traffic... I am glad that no one was close enough to hit them. And it was about 1500h. Crazy, crazy deer.

Listening to: Underworld - Dinosaur Adventure 3D

Monday, 7 April 2003

2003.04.07 @ 2137

You can always tell when it is spring... there are more animals on the road to dodge. Tonight it was just a couple of coons, but pretty soon it will be deer. Hopefully not a bear. I don't even want to think of the damage that hitting a bear would do to my car. I think that I would have a hard time dealing with it too... It made me really sad when I took out bunnies... not something that "makes your day" if you know what I mean. Gross and sad. And if I hit a bear? It's not really like I am going to get close to it to see if it is all right. Oh no! I'll just get closer and se-AhhH!!! *chomp!*

I bought another pile of books today... good books. Things that I know will distract me when I should be doing other things. But I figure pretty soon I'll be riding the bus into work all the time and will have an hour to kill each day. I just hope that I can control myself enough not to read them too much while I should be studying like mad for my exams. I think that I know what I want to do when I retire... Read. Spend my time just reading and thinking. Hey, if I could figure out a job like that I would probably take that, but I don't think that I could. To get a good head start on that, I am at the wrong end of campus. Go figure.

For my business course this semester, we had do an interview with someone who owned or operated a small business. One of the questions that I asked was if you were to do it again, would you do anything different?. The answer sort of surprised me. Most of it. I sort of feel that way right now too. Most of it, if not all. I can see how all of those sci-fi shows had people's personal hells where they did the same day over and over again, not really able to change anything. Imagine having to re-do your whole life over and over without being able to change it, being inside of yourself screaming at yourself when you are about to make mistakes, and not being able to change them anyways.
Somehow, I know what this would be like. Screaming.

Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Universally Speaking

Sunday, 6 April 2003

2003.04.06 @ 1923

Another weekend totally wasted. Ah well. I am just saying that it was a waste because I didn't get anything school related done (yet). I still have to do an assignment, but I am not too concerned about that. I have the second part done... I just have to figure out the first part. There are several things that I did want to get done that I haven't including getting my oil changed, writing letters to friends that I have not really spoken to in a while, burning a CD for Phil, seeing my family, getting together with my grandma, ... *sigh* Ah well.

This next week will not be too bad... I just have to do a few things. One of the things that I have to really get down to is studying for school. Something new that has come out that I didn't think would is that my Astronomy book is now 30 Jupiter moons out. That is something that I didn't think they would add to... It sort of tells you how much we do not know about space. Not only do our fundamental theories about how everything works changes every couple of years, but what is observable can change so much. It isn't because we have missed them, it's is more that no one was looking. I find that sort of scary. And that is just the stuff around us... I have been speaking to a friend in science at school and all of the things that no one knows about. Like how Tylenol really works. Pretty scary if you think about it. Ah well. I guess that is what Life is all about... not really having a clue but pretending that we have the answers. I guess it is appearance over substance. Truly scary.

Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Melancholy Mechanics

Saturday, 5 April 2003

2003.04.05 @ 1637

Hell week is finally over. I just have one half of an assignment to do at this point, and I am not too worried about that. I am not worried I think because of my total lack of caring. Pretty scarry eh? Ya, I guess that is what all this school work has done to be. I am just giving up in a sense.

I've read some good articles today. One of them is about the RIAA and how they are suing some collage kids in the states. One of the guys they are suing for about $97.8 billion (ya, I did get the B in there). It's pretty silly in a way. I just want to see how this file sharing is going to work out in the end. I guess if I want it to turn out well, I should do something to help make the world how I want it to be... but I am too damn busy right now relaxing.

The other article that I read today was about coding. It was talking about how some companies have thrown out code when they just should have kept building and building on the old. Refactoring when they need to change / clean things up. Not throwing out all the work that was done before. One one of my old work terms we did exactly this. They didn't like what the old code was, found it too hard to read and work with, so they just tossed it out and started over. In this case it might have been a good decision because of the size of the project. But in larger projects, I can see how this would be a mistake. A big mistake.

The weather here still sucks now... it is snowing and snowing... I just wish that it would stop some. The more it snows, the farther I am from going skydiving or doing any sort of kayaking. I don't think that I will have too much time this year to go tripping, so I won't be able to get away to Killarney, but I might be about to get away to Algonquin. We shall see. I just have to wait for the snow to stop.

Listening to: P.O.D - Youth Of The Nation

Wednesday, 2 April 2003

2003.04.02 @ 2229

Another month, another post. Yay me! Humm... I just felt like making another post while avoiding doing some work. Same old story I guess. For some reason, I am just so tired lately... I really, really need a nap. I am falling asleep just typing this. It is all that I can think about. Maybe it'll be different by Friday when all the major things are in and I just have to worry about exams.

For some weird reason, one of the things playing over and over in my head (other than music) is that line from Forest Gump: They told me that I don't have to worry about money anymore. I said "good, one less thing". When the weekend comes I should have "one less thing" to worry about. But it won't be money. ;-)

Listening to: Meatloaf - Paradise By the Dashboard Lights