Friday, 18 April 2003

2003.04.18 @ 2108

Tonight I went to my brother's house and had dinner with the whole family and all. Then, afterwards, we went into the hot tub. Really, really nice. So relaxing. Except now I smell like chemicals (bromine) and when I got out I felt really sick. I guess I can't really handle going from hot hot water for like 35 minutes to the cold (8 degrees C) air. Not cool. He tells me that it is just something that you get used to after a while. Yikes.

I read a cool article over at Robert Cringely's site. Pretty interestings insights into some of the current going's on. I didn't know that the guys were so competitive. I guess that is one of the things that have made these guys so successful. Losers don't make all that money.

I have been trying to figure out how I can make a plug for Karen's blog, but I can't think of anything and it is bugging me. I guess that I'll just figure out some way to do that tomorrow.

Listening to: Foo Fighters - Tired Of You

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